So Close, Yet Still Far

The Lord is within my heart this day, He dwells within and I feel His presence,

I see His love in the sunrise, I know that by His hand we peacefully dwell.

The Lord is so close unto me this day, He is close, so close, yet still far,

I feel His presence, I seek His voice, I desire to be ever so nigh, so very close.

I see His power in the world around me, I see His mercy and I know His great love,

He is all around me, so close, yet still far, I desire to be close, closer and closer still.

I have seen miracles, I have had prayers answered, I have seen so I know that He is,

The Lord hears, He sees and He hears, He knows my desire, so close, yet still far.

The sick are anointed and the Lord heals, the sick are anointed and sickness remains,

Prayers are heard and miracles occur, prayers are heard and change does not come.

I cry out my Lord, I cry out and I seek, Lord, why are you so close, yet still far?

Break me and cut me deep my Lord, purify me and consecrate my life for your will.

Let your power be seen, let miracles of healing fall down, fall down like rain,

We cry out, the sick and the hurting plead, save us O God, save us dear Lord.

In hospital rooms, in churches and in bedrooms around the earth we cry, we cry Lord,

Hear us O God for we believe, we believe, for we know that you are so very close.

So close, yet still far, I will walk the desert sand, I will pay the cost, I seek to do your will,

Take my heart, take my life dear Lord, let me be yours, let me be yours always.

I seek to be your servant, I desire your glorious power to manifest in my life Lord,

Help me Lord, forgive me Lord, use me Lord, for I am so close, yet still far.