A Day Lived Well

It has been a hard day, and with great weariness we lie down to rest and sleep,

We go to sleep tired, and we awake tired, for the rest needed is not always complete.

Work is good, and work must be done, but some days there are burdens beyond work,

Not all burdens pass with rest, for there are things that weigh upon us, but we persevere.

Being tired from labor and an honest day’s work is a blessing not always recognized,

Blessed to have work to do and blessed to have the strength to do what must be done.

Weariness from our labor is not the same as weariness of the heart and soul,

The burdens of sin and shame can weigh most heavily upon the heart and soul.

A day lived well may be a day of much work and labor, a day of many tasks,

A day lived well is a day where honor, integrity, and truth are very clearly seen.

Tiredness of body is different from being tired from life, weary from all the burdens,

There is rest for the body, but is there rest and refreshing for heart and soul?

Rest from labor is found in sleep, but rest from wrong choices and sin can elude us,

There is a place of rest and there is a place of refreshing for the troubled soul.

Go unto the Lord, for our Redeemer lives and His mercy can restore body and soul,

A day lived well is a day lived in awareness, a day pleasing in the sight of the Lord.

Life can be difficult and the burdens can seem to be never ending, but there is hope,

Mental burdens can be greater than physical burdens so we need peace in our heart.

To quiet our mind and our soul in times of trial is difficult, but not impossible,

Look to the Lord and seek a calm spirit and seek a quiet resting place nigh unto Him.

The burden of work passes with rest, and the burden of sin passes with forgiveness,

Seek the burdens of sin and the weight of shame and regret to be lovingly removed.

Work hard, and walk righteously before the Lord, for this is a day lived well,

There will be days of work, and burdens to bear, but there is peace in a day lived well.