Live By The Rules

Philippians 3:16, “Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing.”


In life there are rules. We have rules for sports, and for board games and for most of our leisure activities. There are rules and laws that govern our activities from how we operate our vehicles to how much we pay in taxes each year. In the workplace, there are rules and procedures established to direct how our jobs are carried out. In many homes there are rules established to guide children in their activities. In society there are norms of behavior, and there are established rules and laws, and if the rules and laws are rooted in wisdom and in that which is just they benefit all members of society. Our God is just and he established rules and laws that govern in all three realms. There is a pattern of life within all animals that we call instinct and animals follow the pattern within with precision. Within mankind there is also a pattern of life, but unfortunately, we do not follow with the same precision due to our freedom of will. The power to choose gives us the power to obey or disobey the rules and laws established.

In sporting events and in our society there are penalties for breaking the established rules and laws. Rules and laws are good when they are rooted in that which is fair and just, and all of the laws of the Lord are fair and just. There is a penalty for breaking the established rules and laws of the Lord but there are also great blessings when there is obedience. As Christians, there should be adherence to the same rules and we should be of the same mind. If we follow the Lord Jesus we will all walk in the same way for he is the way unto joy, happiness, peace and salvation. There is a right way to live and that is the way according to rules and laws established by our Creator. Let us be people who live by the established rules and laws of the Lord.